Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Tugas OOP - Kelas XII TI

  1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan OOP (Oriented Object Programming) atau Pemrograman berbasis objek menurut pemahaman kalian ?
  2. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan kelas(class),objek, method, event dan property.
  3. Berikan contoh bentuk2 objek, method, event dan property pada pemrograman visual basic!

Selamat Mengerjakan !!

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Tutorial 4 - Program Memilih kategori Nilai - Penggunan Select Case (Visual Basic)

 Tutorial ini menjelaskan perintah untuk mengontrol program dengan Select Case, pada contoh ini terdiri dari 5 pilihan.

Buatlak Layout berikut :

Pemrograman Audio / Musik - Basic Synthesizer / Piano (Visual Basic)

Option Explicit
Dim Sample As Double

Dim DX As DirectX8 '
Dim DS As DirectSound8
Dim Tone(21) As DirectSoundSecondaryBuffer8
Dim dsToneBuffer As DirectSoundSecondaryBuffer8

Const PI = 3.14159265358979
Const SRATE = 44100                   '  sampling data per detik
Const DUR = 1                              ' durasi nada
Const FREQ = 440                        ' frekuensi  acuan
Const CHAN = 2                           ' stereo / 2 channel
Const BITDEPTH = 16                  ' 16 bit
Const BLOCK = 4
Dim sbuf(0 To DUR * SRATE * CHAN) As Integer

Dim tekan(255) As Boolean
Dim poly As Integer
Dim frekNote As Long
Dim nfreq As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()

KeyPreview = True
Set DX = New DirectX8
Set DS = DX.DirectSoundCreate("")
DS.SetCooperativeLevel Me.hWnd, DSSCL_NORMAL
desc.fxFormat.nFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM    ' format audio
desc.fxFormat.nSize = 0
'desc.fxFormat.lExtra = 0
desc.fxFormat.nChannels = CHAN
desc.fxFormat.lSamplesPerSec = SRATE
desc.fxFormat.nBitsPerSample = BITDEPTH
desc.fxFormat.nBlockAlign = BLOCK
desc.fxFormat.lAvgBytesPerSec = BLOCK * SRATE
desc.lBufferBytes = BLOCK * DUR * SRATE
Set dsToneBuffer = DS.CreateSoundBuffer(desc) 
Dim i          '  pembuatan nada
Dim n

For i = 0 To DUR * SRATE - 1
n = 2 * PI * (FREQ * i / SRATE)
Sample = Sin(n) + Sin(2 * n)

sbuf(2 * i) = Sample * 0.25 * 32767
sbuf(2 * i + 1) = sbuf(2 * i)
Next i

For i = 0 To 21
Set Tone(i) = DS.CreateSoundBuffer(desc)
Tone(i).WriteBuffer 0, BLOCK * DUR * SRATE, sbuf(0), DSBLOCK_DEFAULT
End Sub

'uji penekanan tombol
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) 
If KeyCode = vbKeyQ Then nfreq = 262: poly = 1
If KeyCode = vbKeyW Then nfreq = 294: poly = 2
If KeyCode = vbKeyE Then nfreq = 330: poly = 3
If KeyCode = vbKeyR Then nfreq = 349: poly = 4
If KeyCode = vbKeyT Then nfreq = 392: poly = 5
If KeyCode = vbKeyY Then nfreq = 440: poly = 6
If KeyCode = vbKeyU Then nfreq = 495: poly = 7
If KeyCode = vbKeyI Then nfreq = 524: poly = 8

If KeyCode = vbKeyZ Then nfreq = 262 / 2: poly = 9
If KeyCode = vbKeyX Then nfreq = 294 / 2: poly = 10
If KeyCode = vbKeyC Then nfreq = 330 / 2: poly = 11
If KeyCode = vbKeyV Then nfreq = 349 / 2: poly = 12
If KeyCode = vbKeyB Then nfreq = 392 / 2: poly = 13
If KeyCode = vbKeyN Then nfreq = 440 / 2: poly = 14
If KeyCode = vbKeyM Then nfreq = 495 / 2: poly = 15
If KeyCode = 188 Then nfreq = 262: poly = 16

If KeyCode = vbKeyO Then nfreq = 294 * 2: poly = 17
If KeyCode = vbKeyP Then nfreq = 330 * 2: poly = 18
If KeyCode = 219 Then nfreq = 349 * 2: poly = 19
If KeyCode = 221 Then nfreq = 392 * 2: poly = 20
If KeyCode = 220 Then nfreq = 440 * 2: poly = 21

If Not tekan(KeyCode) And nfreq <> 0 Then
tekan(KeyCode) = True
Tone(poly).SetVolume -10000

frekNote = (nfreq / FREQ) * 44100
Tone(poly).SetFrequency frekNote
Tone(poly).SetCurrentPosition 0
Tone(poly).Play 1
Tone(poly).SetVolume -500
End If
End Sub

Private Sub PlayIt()
End Sub
'uji pelepasan tombol
Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyQ Then tekan(vbKeyQ) = False: poly = 1: StopIt
If KeyCode = vbKeyW Then tekan(vbKeyW) = False: poly = 2: StopIt
If KeyCode = vbKeyE Then tekan(vbKeyE) = False: poly = 3: StopIt
If KeyCode = vbKeyR Then tekan(vbKeyR) = False: poly = 4: StopIt
If KeyCode = vbKeyT Then tekan(vbKeyT) = False: poly = 5: StopIt
If KeyCode = vbKeyY Then tekan(vbKeyY) = False: poly = 6: StopIt
If KeyCode = vbKeyU Then tekan(vbKeyU) = False: poly = 7: StopIt
If KeyCode = vbKeyI Then tekan(vbKeyI) = False: poly = 8: StopIt

If KeyCode = vbKeyZ Then tekan(vbKeyZ) = False: poly = 9: StopIt
If KeyCode = vbKeyX Then tekan(vbKeyX) = False: poly = 10: StopIt
If KeyCode = vbKeyC Then tekan(vbKeyC) = False: poly = 11: StopIt
If KeyCode = vbKeyV Then tekan(vbKeyV) = False: poly = 12: StopIt
If KeyCode = vbKeyB Then tekan(vbKeyB) = False: poly = 13: StopIt
If KeyCode = vbKeyN Then tekan(vbKeyN) = False: poly = 14: StopIt
If KeyCode = vbKeyM Then tekan(vbKeyM) = False: poly = 15: StopIt
If KeyCode = 188 Then tekan(188) = False: poly = 16: StopIt

If KeyCode = vbKeyO Then tekan(vbKeyO) = False: poly = 17: StopIt
If KeyCode = vbKeyP Then tekan(vbKeyP) = False: poly = 18: StopIt
If KeyCode = 219 Then tekan(219) = False: poly = 19: StopIt
If KeyCode = 221 Then tekan(221) = False: poly = 20: StopIt
If KeyCode = 220 Then tekan(220) = False: poly = 21: StopIt

End Sub
Private Sub StopIt()
Tone(poly).SetVolume -10000
nfreq = 0: poly =
End Sub

Sebelum menekan tombol F5, lakukan langkah berikut :  Project -> References -> Pilih DirectX 8 for Visual  Basic Type Library

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